Lots of news in Jolby world this week so get ready. If you saw the post from yesterday our website is almost done thanks to one of my best friends
Chris Forrette who is doing an awesome job. The site will feature design work that Jolby has done along with art projects that we both have done. We will still keep the blog going and hope to get Sketchle weekly running properly. We just finish the first collection for Automatic Satisfaction and hopefully will be able to post some of the tees very soon. Now for shows, Colby and I just got confirmed for a show at
Subtext for Feb 21 - March 22 2009, I know it's aways out but that gallery is booked all the way till then and it will be our first show. We'll have more info on as it develops. Colby and I are both apart of Beast or Burden at subtext on July 25th, 2008, we will be painting custom vinyl panda bears. Should be really fun since both of us have never done this before haha. We are also doing
MSL Gibson Guitar Project again this year and we'll have the dates the guitars will show at warped tour as the project develops. And last but not least I am apart of a group show at Subtext called Indelible: Expression of Ink on Paper on August 8th, 2008. I am super honored to be apart of this show since some of my favorite artist are apart of it as well. I'll post one of my pieces very soon, I am stoked on what my brain has been coming up with. Ok thats all I think of but keep checking back and tell your friends about the wonderful world of Jolby.